The Punisher offers a combination of exploration, stealth and combat. When encountering an enemy, the Punisher can attack, or sneak up to perform a one-button "quick kill". Depending on the villain, the current location, and a player-determined level of aggression, one of numerous fatal assaults will be performed. The game's environments also feature interrogation "hot spots", where the vigilante can essentially torture his enemies, coercing them to share information that may help him in his quest.
The game features many cameo appearances from Marvel Comics characters, such as Iron Man, Nick Fury, Black Widow, Matt Murdock (the alter ego of Daredevil), Bushwacker, The Kingpin and Bullseye. Also present are several characters from the Welcome Back, Frank storyline, such as detectives Martin Soap and Molly Van Richtofen, the Punisher's neighbors Joan and Spacker Dave, Ma Gnucci, The Russian and General Kreigkopf.
Screenshoots :
System Requirements :
12 komentar:
gan, knp pas di extrak terakhir error? operation failed..
mohon dibantu gan.. tx..
Coba Ekstrak pake 7zip gan, aku udah coba bisa ko
Makasih Gan !!
Ini Game Berkelas ..
Biarpun Extractnya seharian tapi sebanding dengan yg didapat !!
Mju terus buat Blognya ..
bang game ini dapat di mainkan di pc yang keterianya sebagai berikut
prosesor pentium 4@ 3.0 ghz
ram 512 m
video card 64 mb
kira2 bisa gak mohon pencerahanya..........??
Suara nya gak ada mas...
gan kok failed to load ya gan mohon pencerahanya
failed gan...!!
Failed to Load Game
mohon pencerahannya.
gan, biar lebih mangstab... kasih tanda online/offline.... soalnya gw dunlud diwarnet, mainya offline dirumah..
Maju terus gan....!
Failed To Load Game
Untuk AGan2 Yang Failed To Load Game,
Jangan Di Close Sampe Semua Proses Installnya Benar2 Selesai,,
Kalo Udah Selesai Baru Bisa Dipaenin,,
wow oke ganz :)
gila nh game lamaaaaaa bgt instalnya.
nunguin ampe tua gue.
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